I spent Friday night laughing over artichoke hearts, steak tips and a brownie sundae with friends from school. And I spent Saturday morning with 3 wonderful new Mommy friends (without our kids!!!) slowly sipping coffee and talking about... what else, but our kids.
Then Saturday afternoon was spent with Will and the boys. We took a drive up to Ogunquit, ME to be greeted by drizzly rain. But we still had a great time eating lobster rolls and ice cream, taking our new wheels out for a spin and practicing our funny faces.
Sunday morning, Will occupied the boys and let me sleep in. I didn't get out of bed until 9:38!!! I was greeted with flowers and breakfast and homemade cards and a new pendant to add to my favorite necklace.
This of course is the edited version, the perfect version. It was still a regular day, complete with dirty diapers, whining, and the occasional threat of timeout. I rushed around when we were running late this morning, left the house with wet hair and showed up to lunch frazzled. But every day comes with a few negatives. It's the positives we must hold onto, for it's the positives that form our memories. And today, my first Mother's Day with two little boys instead of one, will always be a happy memory.
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there.
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com