Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Driving Mr. Wonderful

We spent Labor Day wknd back in NYC and we had a great time hanging out with friends and family. Today's drive back was not ideal though because of the non-stop rain. However, after being stuck in the car for 7 hours (Rain = Traffic) and not feeling well due to an end of summer cold, my main squeeze never cried, or even fussed, the entire ride! He's done this ride so many times, since he was just 2 months old, that he is a pro now. He sings, he colors, he plays, and lately he carries on LONG conversations with me. We have never once used a DVD player or suffered through hour after hour of a children's CD. Did I luck out with this guy, or what??

**Disclaimer** Nathan does not drive naked. This is actually a picture from last week when we were driving home from the beach. His bathing suit is hidden beneath Winnie the Pooh. But the picture went with the driving theme so I used it anyway.