Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This is...

Nathan has always loved to draw. We keep a stack of coloring books and blank paper on the dining room table next to a giant tin of crayons and he can be found sitting there multiple times throughout the day coloring picture after picture. 

Ever since kindergarten started he has been very focused on writing too. So each picture now comes with a very clear description letting you know what his drawing is which is great.  Although most of his pictures are very literal and easy to identify there's always the occasional one that stumps me. 

I think every parent has had that awkward moment where they have no idea what their kid drew which leads to the "Tell me about your picture" conversation. But Nathan's new love for titles eliminates that problem. Of course I can always tell when he draws me, it's like looking in a mirror!

Friday, October 2, 2015


Ryan and I just got home from running some errands and when we walked inside he threw his shoes against the wall. I asked him to pick them up and put them away nicely. Instead, he went up to his room and shut the door. 

I had to get lunch ready so I welcomed the silence and let him stay upstairs. A few minutes later he came down, marched right up to me and said "I go timeout. I not happy with you. Put my shoes away. I sorry". Then he hugged me. 

On one hand I'm kind of proud that he knew he did something wrong so he went to his room to "think about it" and then when the time was up, acknowledged his behavior and apologized. 

On the other hand, I'm a little concerned that maybe I'm putting him in timeout too often. Is it normal for a two and a half year old to perfect the timeout routine and be able to execute it with no parental assistance??